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smashing Magazine Free Premuim Templates 2010 & 2011

“Desktop Chaos”

Desktop Chaos is a free variant wordpress theme to Notepad Chaos.Demo | Download

“Notepad Chaos”

Notepad Chaos was created exclusively for Smashing Magazine thatthey allow for free usage. Please retain all links in the footer if youuse the theme.Demo |Download

“Cellar Heat”

Cellar Heat is a free, gridded-style theme available in dark and light (see below) versions.Demo | Download

“Cellar Heat Light”

Cellar Heat Light is a grunge, bright, gridded-style theme.Demo | Download

“Simply Ornate”

Simply Ornate is a free theme that focuses on typography and patterns. Available in 5 flavors.Demo | Download

“Gumball Special”

Gumball Special was a free theme based from the Hellbiscuitsite I put together. A gridded, magazine style theme that focuses onphotography a bit more than copy. Both the Cellar heat themes werevariants from this originally.Demo | Download


Humidor is a free theme available for download here. Check out the weblog entry for more details.Download

“Gotham Nights”

Gotham Nights is a free theme available for download here. Check out the weblog entry for more details.Download


Royal is a free theme available for download here. Check out the weblog entry for more details.Download
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